Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sidebar Addition...

Since Blogger added a new easy Blog List feature, I've re-added (is that a word?)links to the many blogs I read on a day to day basis. Alison is the kindergarten teacher my mother-in-law Ruth Ann works with. Carrie is a college friend. Casey is Matthew's cousin. Ellen is a friend who I met through Matthew (her husband and Matthew grew up together). Jessie is a friend here in town. Jo Ellen is another friend here in town. Lori is my sister-in-law (Matthew's brother's wife). And Melanie is a friend who I met here in town but who now lives a few hours away. Their blogs are fun and informative so whenever you have time to kill... read away! The number under each blog tells you how long ago each blog was updated.


Melanie said...

I'm glad you re-added your links! Makes it easier to find everyone. Hope you guys are should come down with Kristie sometime and visit.

Lori said...

Very thrilled about blogger's new addition! Also, hope you are all feeling better. I was sick this week too-- this time I know it's not your fault! haha. Please give my niece and nephew a big 'ol hug and kiss for me!