Thursday, October 09, 2008

Everyone needs to go!

Last Saturday, Matthew and I went to see the movie, "Fireproof". And that explains this post's title... everyone needs to go! It is a really great movie, well-made, funny, sad at parts, and stars Kirk Cameron, yeah I had his posters all over my walls in 7th grade! More than all that this movie does a FANTASTIC job at explaining how important marriage is and why we should never give up but just work that much harder to make our marriages that much greater. There are edge-of-your-seat firefighter scenes, laugh-out-loud funny parts and even tear-at-your-heart and cry-happy-tears moments. If your marriage is in a rough spot, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!! If your marriage has never been better than it is right now, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!! If you're not married but can think back to how it was or praying to be so one day or just have a few hours to spend with a friend, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!

Here's the movie's website containing the trailor. Watching it makes me want to go see it AGAIN!!!

And a bit of trivia... the movie was filmed in Albany, GA where my mom grew up and my grandparents still live!! If it had been made 9 years ago, I could have spent the summer with my grandparents, worked as a stage hand and gotten Kirk Cameron his coffee!!

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