Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Please Pray for Jessie

My friend Jessie is in the hospital with intestinal blockages. She and I became friends several years ago when she lived across the street. She and her family moved across town but we still stay in touch (mainly through commenting on each other's blogs; she's listed on my side bar, Keeping It Together).

Jessie was born with twisted intestines and so occasionally it will cause a blockage. She went to the ER on Sunday with severe abdominal pain. She is still experiencing nauseaus and pain (they're giving her morphine). Please pray that the blockage will work itself out as she is not eating anything right now. Her mom said Jessie will not be leaving the hospital until all pain is gone, she can handle liquids first and then solid food, and goes to the bathroom.

My heart breaks for her as she is in the same shape my Mom was after having surgery to remove her colon cancer. And Jessie has her two young kids to worry about on top of all that. I know her family will appreciate any prayers, especially that God will clear the blockage so her hospital stay will not be very long.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hi Kim

I am Melissa, Jessie's sister in law, I live in FL and have known Jessie as long as I have known her brother, 12 years. I am heartbroken that she is in the hospital. I spoke to her mother today and I hope to hear from her again before night. You sound like your a good friend, thanks for the prayers. I myself wish I could go be with her right now. I would of known sooner before today that she was in the hospital, but my little one has been sick for 2 days and I didn't check my cel phone message until today. My schedule is all turned around. I feel terrible that I just found out. Her brother is really upset and will be calling her Dad. Her mom said this is the worst episode she has ever had. I feel so sad today. I hate hospitals. Sorry for the rambling. I just feel so helpless knowing that she's so far away from us down here in FL and I can't do anything to help. I pray that whatever the blockage is passes or just goes away.