Tuesday, November 04, 2008

As the poll results roll in...

I could say a lot of things and quite honestly this is my third attempt to begin typing this post (highlighted and deleted two other opening sentences). As I stated in an earlier post, politics interests me and tonight is very exciting. Of course, everyone starts feeling a little down when you see your chosen candidate's percentage slipping, but I'm trying not to get angry with the media (yes, way back when, I received my Mass Communication degree and aspired to be a reporter). Matthew has been trying to tell me for years that the mainstream media are nothing but a bunch of commie-liberals! CBS reporters are interviewing people jumping for joy over our new president, President Obama! Wait just a second, only 19% of the precincts in New Mexico has reported their votes and yet, that state has been declared for Obama. Do they have a crystal ball for the other 81% of the votes?! I know, I know. An Obama supporter could say the same thing about Kansas being declared for McCain with only 28% of the precincts reporting. Luckily, I do understand the electoral college vote system and how a candidate can win the popular vote but still not be declared the president. That being said, I'm hanging on to my candidate until the last vote is counted. It could be all night or longer (Pregnant chad! Who's with me?!). A few weeks ago, I was deadset on staying up all night if need me. Now after listening to the commentary (yes, Matthew, you right about Katie Couric too), I don't think I can stomach much more.

To change the tone of this post, I do know and have complete confidence in the fact that my God knows who will be the next President of the United States of America, and He has in fact appointed him to be just that.

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (Romans 13:1)

This country's future really doesn't hang in the balance due to who becomes president. Our future lies in whether we choose to follow God's ways or turn away. Often when times in our country are tough, the following verse is spoken...

... if my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

However, there is one big problem with saying that. America is not God's people. Yes, there are are Bible-believing, God-fearing people who live in America, but on the whole, this is not a "Christian" nation.

Well, it's late and I must kick myself off this soapbox again. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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