Friday, November 21, 2008

Sweet Innocence

Philip has recently gotten really into Transformers. He plays with a friend's toys and I watch the cartoon on with him. He has asked to watch the DVD of the live action movie, but we tell him that it's for when he is older. He complied wonderfully as he hears that answer often about a lot of the "superhero" movies. However, he does like to look at the DVD cover. Philip's imagination is wildly active these days and he loves to assign us to characters in whatever fantasy world currently holds his attention.

So looking at the Transformers DVD cover, Philip decides that Daddy will be Optimus Prime and he will be Bumblebee.

Philip: Who should Mommy be?

Matthew: Mommy can be the hot chick. (Meaning the teenage girl in the movie; thanks, sweetie, although I hope Philip doesn't start calling anyone "hot chick"!!)

Philip: (after a few seconds pass and he has looked at all the other Transformers on the cover) Mommy's not a chicken, she's a Transformer.

Matthew and I actually had tears come to our eyes for the fact of trying so hard to keep from laughing!!

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