Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Philip's Bad Dream

Over the last year, Philip has really taken an interest in super heroes. He was Spiderman for Halloween of 2007 and has worn the costume around the house at least every third day since then. Then he and Matthew began father/son bonding time watching "Spiderman" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" cartoons on Saturday morning. He caught a few episodes of "Transformers" and "Ben 10: Alien Force". All the while, I'm thinking to myself, "How do I know which shows to let him watch? What things will be scary to him?"

Today I found out. He entered our bedroom at 6:17am. I told Philip to use the bathroom and go back to sleep. He continued walking closer to my side of the bed. He tells me he had a bad dream. I asked him what was his dream about. (I don't know why people do this because then it just gets the person to again focus on the images which scared them in the first place). Philip says a big brown elephant with eyelashes was in our house...

SNUFFALUFAGUS!!!! Philip is watching all these shows which seem to probably be for older kids and he has a nightmare about Snuffalufagus from Sesame Street. We've not watched that in six months. I reassured him that there were no brown elephants in our house, but he and I went on into the livingroom anyway to start our day.

I know personally my dreams are terrifying until I explain them to Matthew. He and I both wonder what's wrong with me so maybe Philip gets the crazy dream gene from me!


Jo Ellen said...

Too funny!

Lori said...

Personally. . . I always thought "snuffy" was a little freaky!!!

*Jess* said...

Some of my most horrible nightmares were ones of the Muppets and the Fraggles, so I can understand his dream about Sesame Street! And I LOVE Jim Henson, but sometimes our imaginations run off with our common sense in the middle of the night!

Casey Wallace said...

I laughed out loud at that. (Sorry Philip, I know it was scary.) Too cute!