Thursday, November 10, 2005

No more Chemo!! No more Chemo!!

My mom just called me ecstatically saying she and Dad had met with her chemo doctor and he decided to cancel her 5 doses of chemo which she was scheduled for next week! He said that the minimal amount of good that it would do was not worth the risk of causing her the tremendous diarrhea problems she's had over the last several weeks. She is beyond thrilled and is giving God all the glory. She told her doctor that many friends and family were praying so she accounts his decision directly to the wisdom which God has given him. The countdown now... radiation treatments tomorrow and Monday and she's done!! Her surgery date is still unknown as her surgeon wants her body almost completely healed from the trauma it's been through. Thank you again as I know most of you reading this have been praying!! Thank you Jesus!!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Beautiful and Miraculous news! Sounds just perfect to me and we all thank our Lord Jesus Christ for watching over your progress. I'm so happy for you dear Patti. You will continue to be close to my heart and in my prayers as you take time to recover. I'm always here if you need me. Let us rejoice in your wonderful news. Keep smiling dear friend! Love, Valerie

Casey Wallace said...

That's wonderful news, Kim!!!

Anonymous said...

Such good news about your Mom! I read your blog and love hearing about your family. Philip gets cuter by the day :) And let me wish you a Happy Birthday, too.
Hannah's Grammy