Friday, April 14, 2006


We are having a lot of fun watching Philip's personality come out more and more each day. One strong part of it in being a boy is that he wants to explore everything and he doesn't care how dirty he has to get to do so. It's especially fun now that he is walking. Philip is a really quick learner too. If he's walking along and trips over something and falls down, he will rarely do it again. I look forward to future camping trips as this boy definitely has a God-given love for the outdoors!

Look at those dirty britches!

My mom's friend gave us this little bench since her granddaughter is too big for it now. Philip loves to climb up and sit on it. He even points to each of the animals in the back. We are working on learning the animals' sounds. Does anyone know what a giraffe sounds like? :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I stick my long 'ol tounge out for a giraffe! Haha. I guess you could over exaggerate a chewing motion too . . . they're always eating leaves!