Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another Day to Rest

Well, I suppose God knew I needed another day to rest because He changed my plans today. I got up at 6:15am and got ready as Philip and I were headed to our MOPS meeting this morning. MOPS is a wonderful organization for Moms of PreSchools (hence the name) and I always love our meetings (the speakers, the friendships, and the food!). Plus Philip has now gotten used to being in the nursery these 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month and looks forward to seeing his MOPS friends.

Well, as I said plans changed when I went to get him up at 7:00am and he was burning up. I pray he doesn't have the flu but we sat on the couch and watched Nickelodeon all morning. He was miserable early this morning (101.2F fever at 7:30am) and just wanted me to sit beside him. Took Motrin at 9:00am and by 10:00am, he was back to his normal self. Unfortunately it only lasted until 11:00am. At 12:30pm, his fever was up to 102.9F. A dose of Tylenol at 1:00pm and asleep on Daddy's chest on the couch as Matthew had come home for lunch. Philip's sleeping now in his bed and to my bed is where I'm headed after I finish this post.

Thought it would be a good chance to recap our really nice weekend. Friday, Matthew came home and as we awaited a home-cooked meal from some friends, he and Philip enjoyed the warm "preview of spring" weather.

Saturday was a day for errands, both to-do list stuff and fun stuff. We got Philip's hair cut all the while bribing him to sit still by telling him what was coming next. We made a pit-stop at a friend's house first. I had advertised in our MOPS newsletter that I was looking to buy a double stroller. God provided and a girl emailed me saying she was looking to get rid of her's. We thought it was great and especially liked getting a really decent double stroller for only $50!

Finally we headed to Grandma's house (repeatedly reminding Philip that Grandma is at Hannah's house right now) to fly his new Backyardigans kite. He was given the kite by Mollie and Michael for his birthday. I didn't know how it would go, but Matthew is a secret master kite flyer!!

It was fun watching it soar up in the sky. Saturdays are so much fun when we spend them together as a family. I look forward to how our baby girl will add to the fun.

Thanks for praying for Philip to feel better and that Lord-willing Matthew and I will stay healthy. A quick side note... I had my 30-week baby check-up yesterday and that FFN test came back negative this time! Either it was a false positive last time or it can change. I'll still be trying to get a lot of rest and drink lots of water. No need not to enjoy this slower pace before our daughter is born and we really become sleep-deprived!


Lori said...
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Lori said...

We are praying that Philip will begin to feel better! Congrats on the great deal for the double stroller-- it looks great. I can't wait to see Philip and Baby girl in it!

Casey Wallace said...

Glad Philip is feeling better now. I like the stroller - can you believe you'll soon be strolling with two little ones?! I'm so excited for you!