Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love to hear Philip speak...

Our little man is still learning new words almost everyday. His new thing is to just start listing off similar items or what he did earlier that day. "Football, baseball, soccer ball, golf ball..." Thinking about what he did at Bible Study, "Trucks, cars, outside, sit down, lay down, trucks, cars, animals, cars..." And the best part is that he knows I LOVE to watch him do this so he really gets into it by tilting his head and glancing sideways up at the ceiling. Too cute!!

I suppose between Sunday School and Bible study, Philip has also learned to sing "Jesus Loves Me". That will melt any mother's heart who is praying for her child to one day receive salvation in Jesus. His ability to count and recite the alphabet is also coming along rather well. Here's a little clip a normal day as Philip wanders around playing and singing.

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