Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VBS was great!

Last week our church held Vacation Bible School and we averaged around 350 kids every night! It was an amazing week as the kids learned the foundational truths of Christianity: God is real, Jesus is God's Son, Jesus is the only way, the Bible is God's Word, and our actions show what we believe. And it was all set to a Hawaiian Luau theme, "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakeable Truth".
I had a rollercoaster week teaching the rising 6th grade girls. Sylvia (my co-teacher and great new friend) and I were thrown a curve ball on Sunday afternoon (the day prior to VBS) when we found out our class roll only had two names on it! How would we teach only two girls? We thought about combining with the rising 7th grade girls, but it took the wind out of our sails for the moment. However, I knew God would provide and He did: we had six precious girls show up on Monday night!! The first night I was actually very nervous and to me the night seemed to bomb. I was so grateful that VBS would only be a week long. That night I felt such admiration for professional teachers as I was wondering how I would get through just doing this for a week.

Each night of the week got progressively better and a lot of great things came from the experience: making a great new friend in Sylvia; enjoying spending each night with Kelcey and Ashley, our assistants I recruited from my 10th grade Sunday School class; getting to know the six sweetest little girls who made up our class; and finding out that one of them gave her life to Jesus on our decision night! I also enjoyed the drive to and from each night with Philip and our 6-year-old neighbor Anna Grace. Our family night program on Friday evening was a big hit as the sanctuary was packed. Philip sang two songs with the younger group (3-year-olds to rising 1st-graders) and was just precious. This video was from our Sunday morning service to let our church members experience a little taste of VBS. Philip joined in the hand motions but didn't sing like he had on Friday night. Still, my little munchkin!!

1 comment:

Katie Turner said...

Philip is precious!! I completely understand your thoughts on teaching -- it can be very overwhelming! But at the end of the week you're always so glad you did it. :)