Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Take Back My Grumblings

(Read "Argh!" post below first if you haven't already.)

Yes, writing the previous post did let off some stream, but it wasn't an hour later when I was put back in my place. As dinner was cooking, I helped Philip put away some toys while I was sitting a few feet from our stereo speaker which was playing the radio. Suddenly I realized the song, "In Christ Alone" was playing. One line says, "I find my hope, I find my strength in Christ alone." It reminded me that my frustration was self-induced. I had become overwhelmed and begun to wallow in it instead of going to my Source of all guidance.

Not only do I know Jesus is always waiting, eager to provide the strength I need ("Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28), but we are currently learning in BSF how detestable complaining is to God. When we complain about anything (especially something involving a blessing from God), it is sin. We are saying, "God, You can't bring me through this situation. God, why did You let me get in this mess?"

The Israelites spent 38 years in the desert wandering around and surviving on manna because they had not believed that God could do all He said. They grumbled several times and received the punishment for it. This week's lesson from Numbers 21 recounts the Israelites saying they detested the manna, God's perfect provision for them. He then sent poisonous snakes among them, biting many of them and causing many to die.

Here I am living in a wonderful home and actually preparing to move into a new (at least to us) home with even more space which I know will be perfectly suited for us as God will direct our decision. In my sinfulness, I began to act just like those Israelites. Then again, aren't we all daily forgetful of God's blessings which fall new every morning? Thank you Jesus for daily forgiving me of my grumblings.

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