Monday, March 02, 2009

I'm Still Here!

Sorry it's been a few weeks since posting. Matthew very sweetly gave me a new camera for Valentine's Day and I've loved taking pictures with it. The catch is that I've yet to sit down and read the manual so I don't know exactly how to upload the photos to the computer. Probably would be a simple process which I'll try to get to tomorrow. I have lots of great photos from the kids playing in the snow this morning as we awoke to around 5 inches of the white stuff! Also the kids' room and living room are both "show ready"! (Remember we're getting our house ready to sell?) The frustrating part is that each of these rooms currently look very un-ready to sell. Thankfully, each room in the house is making its way to ready with just straightening needed. Many items from around the house now reside in a rented storage unit and deep cleaning (hooray for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!) is going on on an almost daily basis. I'm calling a realtor tomorrow to make this whole process official!! Good night.

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