Monday, March 02, 2009

Updates on the Chillin's

Philip had his 4-year-old check-up on Friday. He's known for several weeks that he was getting shots at this appointment, but Friday morning he didn't show any signs of hesitancy. He did get a little anxious once our pediatrician left after examining him and he knew the next ones through the door would be the nurses with the needles. I was actually tense all morning because I had not seen him get shots in two years and was dreading it for him. He received four shots but thankfully two nurses give two rounds of two shots at the same time. Needless to say he was crying. To quote Philip telling Grandma about the experience, "I wailed." To make the situation worse, Braewyn needed a second dose of Hepatitis A vaccine also. I chose for Philip to go first as I knew his "torture" would be worse, but seeing her brother so upset really got to Braewyn. She received the one quick stick and calmed down quicker than Philip did, but it broke my heart the way she cowered behind me while I was holding Philip's hands during his shots. The upside of the appointment is the news that we have a strong, growing, well-developed 4-year-old on our hands. Philip now weighs 33.3 lbs and is 39 1/2 inches tall. These measurements make him 25th percentile for weight and height. His pediatrician said he is petite but well porportioned.

Braewyn is still doing amazing in the potty department. It's crazy because aside from putting the Pooh Bear training potty in their bathroom, she's potty-trained herself! She actually said, "Potty" while waiting for the pediatrician to come in for their check-up. I told Dr. Shelly this and she said I could take Braewyn to the bathroom while she checked Philip's eyes and ears. Braewyn went peepee in the office bathroom! Saturday morning, Matthew and I took the kids to Krispy Kreme as a treat after their shots the morning before. Again Braewyn asked to go potty and there she pee'd and pooped! Hooray, Braewyn. We're leaving her in diapers until the move as I've always heard big changes can cause regressions. However, the way she wants to go potty at home alot, those big girl pull-ups would be very helpful as she could pull them up and down by herself. She's a silly little thing. Here's the list of Braewyn's potty policies:

- Must be naked from the waist down when pottying at home (this includes socks!)
- Tells Mommy to stand in the hallway (she pats a spot on the wall where she wants me to stand!)
- After pottying in the training potty, she carries the removable pot around the house for all present to congratulate her (it's hilarious hearing Philip's response when he's not in the mood, "I know you pee'd; go take it back to Mommy.")
- The best part is that she doesn't even know reward systems exist; she is completely satisfied with verbal praise alone! (we went through MANY chocolate chips with Philip and Braewyn is even more of a sweets lover than he was so this is a VERY good thing!)


*Jess* said...

LOL about Philip's lackluster response to his sister's accomplishments! Aren't girls so much easier to potty train?

I'm surprised to hear that Dr. Shelley is recommending the Hep A vaccine... when we were seeing her two years ago, she was against it and thought it was totally unnecessary for kids to have.

Casey Wallace said...

Way to go Braewyn! AK has the same policy about being naked from the waist down. Drives me crazy when we're in public bathrooms!