Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Philip is a Child Model!

Matthew's brother Jonathan is the Director of a children's museum called Imagination Station. We visited the museum while spending Thanksgiving weekend with Jonathan and Lori. We actually got a really cool behind-the-scenes VIP tour and during the time there, Philip bravely held one of the snakes. We are so excited to announce that Jonathan chose a picture of Philip and the snake to be a part of the museum's promotional flier! If you are ever in the Wilson, NC area, be sure to stop by Imagination Station. You can tell the Director you know his sister-in-law!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Kim! I didn't want you to think I was ignoring your comment - I read it and then promptly forgot to respond :) Having three hasn't been so bad, honestly. There are times where it's hard, but so far the third hasn't been too bad. Right now I would say that James and Maddox are the more difficult ones because they fight constantly! I think it's because they're so close in age. But of course I wouldn't change it for the world!! I hope ya'll are doing well. Take care!