Saturday, September 24, 2005

Girls' Night In

Last night, I kicked out my boys, Matthew and Philip, to have a sleepover for my 9th Grade Girls Sunday School class. It was a lot of fun as we watched movies, ate cookies and chips, and talked about things going on in their lives. A friend told me I was brave having teenage girls spend the night, but it was actually quite a relaxing evening for all of us. Teenagers are so busy these days with school, sports, jobs and friends. I wasn't sure if they would want to hang out with me and Stacie, my co-teacher, on a Friday night, but eight girls showed up! I was trying to gear myself up to stay up all night, but surprisingly, half of the girls were asleep by midnight. I stayed up talking with the others until just after 2 am. Around 9 am, they started waking up. People say teenagers need a lot of sleep and I was proof to that this morning. They are each such sweet girls and it was a privilege to get to know them a little better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a brave woman, lol!!