Saturday, September 24, 2005

Philip's "Girlfriend"

Philip now has an unofficial girlfriend. Her name is Emma and she's just a few weeks younger than him. Actually Emma is just the baby of a friend of mine but I joke that they are betrothed already. Emma's mom, Jo Ellen, is a new friend of mine whom I met in Bible study last year. We actually met while both very pregnant. It's great having someone right there with you trying to figure out day-to-day mom stuff plus with Jo Ellen being a nurse, she has a little extra insight. Jo Ellen, thank you!! Philip's cousin Hannah (to see how super cute she is, click on Lori's blog link) is three months older so Lori is able to give me a forecast of what's to come. That can be good and bad as somedays I wonder if Philip will ever progress to what Hannah is doing these days. No need to rush him. He'll only be little once!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim! I am so excited to see Emma featured on your blog! That picture is hilarious. Let me just say that it is an honor to have my daughter "betrothed" to such a fine, upstanding young man. I am sure that once he is walking, talking, potty-trained, and has all his teeth he will be able to take very good care of her! Thanks for the laugh---Jo Ellen