Matthew and I had high hopes of getting some Christmas shopping done Saturday, but our little munchkin changed plans on us. I had plans to meet two of the girls I taught in Sunday School last year and the woman I co-taught with at the mall for lunch. Matthew and I decided to pack up Philip, meet them for lunch and then shop as we would be at the mall anyway. Well, we met our friends and proceeded to eat our lunches and feed Philip his. About 15 minutes into this, he no longer wanted food (not even cheerios!). He started fussing and then screaming crying. He was passed from person to person, each trying to console him in whatever way they thought best. I gave him some Tylenol as he is teething. Usually it kicks in within 15 minutes but he didn't seem to be calming down. Matthew gave me that "we need to go home" look. Time to pack Philip back up and head out of the mall, crying all the way. We didn't get the cute smiles we normally do when pushing him in the stroller.
Little man cried all the way home. I sat down with him in our glider, stroked his nose and he was asleep within 5 minutes. We laid him down in his crib around 2:00pm. At 4:45pm, we heard him babbling. A great nap was had by each of us that afternoon. Well, now he seemed ok so we headed out again, but this time in hopes of pricing some carseats as he's grown out of his infant carrier (see photos from earlier post!). We hit Target, Toys R Us and Walmart. He was an angel. Got him home, bathed, fed and back to sleep around 8:30pm.
Sunday morning, I heard Philip waking up around 7:30am. When I headed into his room, I smelled something out of the ordinary. Throw up!! It was on his crib sheet and his pajamas, but dried so I don't know when during the night he had thrown up. Poor munchkin. Well, I nursed him, changed his pajamas and changed his crib sheet. As I was needing to get ready for church now, I asked Matthew to feed him his breakfast. Matthew said he ate half of it, but as soon as they got back to Philip's room for his pre-church nap, out all of it came onto Matthew's bare chest and the floor! Yuck!! No church for Philip today. Matthew stayed home with him as they don't get much time together during the week.
When I returned from church (to a yummy chicken lunch made by my loving hubby), Matthew said Philip had slept from 8:45-11:45. Great nap, easy morning for Daddy! The rest of the day was pleasant as again we all took an afternoon nap. Around dinnertime, Philip was rubbing his eyes so we thought a short nap sometimes perks him up for the rest of the evening. We laid him down at 6:15pm. Matthew and I played a boardgame, read a little and then noticed the clock said 8:30pm! What to do about the boy? We decided to let him sleep as long as he needed. If he were to wake up at 4:00am or so, I'd just read him a few books and try to get him back to sleep after a while.
This morning came with the alarm at 6:30am. I started my Bible study, but soon after (about 6:45am) came Philip's morning babbles! He slept 12 1/2 hours!! The boy must surely be feeling great today! Well, upon entering his room... oh no, throw up smell! Yup, he had again thrown up sometime during the night. This alarmed Matthew and I a little. Philip actually had an appointment to see his doctor tomorrow, but I called and said we'd rather come today as he's been sick.
To wrap up this saga, the doctor found Philip to have double ear infections due to the head congestion he's had recently. The vomitting could be due to that or a bug which is likely on its way out. Aside from that, he's great. Still on the small side for weight (only 17 lbs. 8 oz. but he didn't eat much yesterday). Tonight, he gets his favorite treat... amoxicillin!!
Any mother hates to see her baby sick, however as I daily check my little friend James' website to read how he and his parents are doing, I'd welcome an ear infection any day over what he's fighting!! Please continue to remember them in your prayers!!