Thursday, December 15, 2005

Funny Philip

Philip is doing somewhat better than he was last week. I think the amoxicillin has taken care of his ear infection and the stomach bug is gone. However, now he has a cough. It's horrible. Last night I got up twice to hold him while he coughed. He coughs so hard I'm afraid he might throw up on me. His little face gets red and he can hardly catch his breath. When he finally does get through it, he cries a little as I'm sure for a 10-month-old it's pretty scary.

Anyway, during the day he feels much better and finds all sorts of fun things to do around the house. I look forward to Christmas when he will have actual toys to play with, but until then he's pretty creative on his own.

He loves to walk over and hit the pink musical note. It says "Nighty night" but it says it over and over when Philip is standing there.

Looking pretty cute after a nap. He hasn't figured out how to pull up in the crib yet so I have to take credit for standing him up and putting the blanket on his head.

This was a sweet Daddy and Baby moment. Looking back at the photo, it looks like Matthew is a ventriloquist and Philip is his puppet!!

One of Philip's favorite places is under the kitchen table. Just don't fall and bump your head, sweetums!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,

Just a suggestion for loosening up Philip's chest. When he is coughing, turn your shower on with the hottest water and let the bathroom fill up with steam. Then sit in the bathroom with Philip for about ten minutes. It helps loosen up the phlegm and it's great steam facial for you!