Sunday, November 25, 2007

So Much...

Thanksgiving is a holiday which just overwhelms me. Not in the way some people get... gotta clean the house, fix a gourmet feast, have family in from all over. But I mean I really start thinking of everything for which I'm thankful and it just blows me away. There's not space or need for me to list everything here, but this last week I've probably said, "Thank you, Lord" hundreds of times. Knowing Jesus Christ as my own Lord and Savior and having a personal (I get to spend time daily with the Maker of the world!) relationship with Him is at the top of the list. Following that would be my awesome, awesome husband Matthew. He's my best friend. And next are the beautiful, precious gifts God has given us, Philip and Braewyn. I just want everyone to know their funny, caring little personalities because they are just too special for Matthew and I to keep to ourselves. Ok, enough gushing.

Our week went like this. Mike, Andrea and Holden arrived at Mom and Dad's house on Wednesday afternoon so the kids and I spent the afternoon there. Amazing... Mike and Andrea went to Walmart and Mom and I were there with ALL THREE KIDS asleep! Matthew and Dad arrived after getting off work and we all had dinner and played a boardgame before my four left for home.

Our new nephew Holden is even more precious than this in real life.

Thursday morning was lazy at my house however I did make waffles for breakfast. Around noon, we drove over to Mom and Dad's house where we were welcomed by... (are you ready?) Mom, Dad, Mike, Andrea, Holden, Ruth Ann, Grandma Mary, Elise, Arden, Mollie, Michael, Sarah Grace (Mary's younger sister), David (her husband) and Marie (their daughter). It was great. How many couples are blessed by having Thanksgiving with both sides of the family in one house!? We had a wonderful meal (provided by all) and then relaxed and flipped through the sales papers for "black Friday" (is that what they call it? I don't know. I didn't participate!).

Here's most of the table. Dad brought home a folding table from work so we could all be around one long table (like the Waltons!). Sorry, Matthew. Guess I should have told you I was taking a picture!

...and here's the rest of the table.

I wish this picture was clearer! Anyway, thanks Aunt Cindy for Braewyn's First Thanksgiving bib!

And here's her cousin in his Thanksgiving bib and shirt. He and Dad make a good looking pair, color-coordinating and everything.

Friday morning was another reason to give thanks... both Braewyn and Philip slept until 7:30am! Just to catch you up, Braewyn had been sleeping until 7:00am until she got sick. Yes, her cold got worse the weekend before Thanksgiving so one of those nights I nursed her at 4:00am as she was coughing in her bed. That led to a few nights of waking between 4:30am and 5:00am. Well, Wednesday night I told Matthew I would let her cry that next morning as he was not working on Thursday. It was a little rough as she cried from 4:45am until 5:30am (I did go in twice to comfort her and tell her to go back to sleep). Once she fell asleep I didn't hear a peep until 7:30am! That's all it took. The last three nights, Braewyn has slept peacefully (a few coughs now and then throughout the night) from 8:30/9:00pm until just before 7:00am! I'm so glad we're back on track.

Friday afternoon my longtime friend/college roommate/maid of honor (what a title!) Grace came over to visit for several hours. We live only 30 minutes apart but only see each other 3-4 times a year so it makes for great catching up when we are together. (Grace, it was great seeing you and we need to drag Kelly out to go shopping soon!)


Casey Wallace said...

Glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving! And I'm super excited about getting to see you all during the Christmas holiday. Yay!!!! It's been so long.

Casey Wallace said...

Oh, and I tagged you... See my blog posts for details. Sorry, but you might enjoy it if you have the time!