Sunday, November 04, 2007

We finally made it!

To having Philip and Braewyn sleep all night in the same room that is. It was a grueling process but now that we're all sleeping well, well worth it. When Philip was four months old and we were told by the pediatrician that he no longer needed to eat at night, we moved him from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his room. He did cry for a good while each night for three nights but then silence for most of the night. With Braewyn it's been a little different.

She was in our room in the bassinet for three months. At that time, we thought we'd try to get her to sleep through the night but her crying was so loud in our room. Next step, move her and the bassinet to the office. I could still hear her crying but Matthew slept through it usually. Being more tired overall from having to care for both her and Philip during the day, my willpower was not as strong at night and so I'd usually end up letting her cry for 15 or so minutes and then feeding her so we could all just go back to sleep for the rest of the night.

That went on for about a month with a few weekend visits to family which threw us all off schedule for a while. When she was around 4 1/2 months, we tried her in her crib in the same room with Philip. I was still caving in and feeding her at night because it seemed like the easiest option and the fastest back to getting everyone to sleep. At 5 months old, I knew we had to get her to the point of going back to sleep on her own so it was time to start crying it out for longer periods. There was one key difference in her doing this than when Philip did... Philip! One night I remember her crying for some time and I went in their room to check on her. Philip whispered to me, "Take her out!" I never want to play favorites between kids but it seemed like a good idea to move Braewyn to the bassinet (which is still in the office) so they could both sleep. A few more night's like that and I knew the solution wasn't to move her as she'd never learn to sleep like that. It was to move Philip.

Last week, Philip slept at night on his toddler air mattress at the foot of our bed and Braewyn had her three nights of crying it out. It was hard for all of us. Not only did I hear her crying, but we also heard Philip's bed crinkling all night as he tossed and turned. After a week of that (Braewyn was sleeping through but I wanted to make sure it would last), Philip moved back into his bed. They've been doing well for over a week now. Braewyn does wake up occasionally to cry for about 5 minutes but I'm the only one to wake up. I do get her up for the day between 6:00am and 6:30am. She'll start to cry and I try to get in there to get her out before Philip wakes up as he normally sleeps until 7:30am.

I love to look in on each of them before I go to sleep. Each is so precious as they sleep. As always, thank you Lord for my babies!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

I'm glad its working out! To me, its all about perspective... I believe you were meeting her needs, not "caving in" as you put it. Pediatricians love to tell people that "x" age or "x" lbs mean that babies can sleep through the night without eating, but unfortunately, most babies do not read the same text books!