Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back from Florida: Part 1

I knew I should have done some quick mid-week recaps while in Florida because now I'm back home from a fantastic week visiting family and Mickey and so much to write and 150 pictures to upload!

Let's just start at the beginning. Mom, Dad, Philip, Braewyn and I piled into our Trailblazer and left Saturday, Sept. 20 for Albany, GA to spend the night with Mom's parents. It was a decent drive; Braewyn slept off and on, Philip watched videos and played with little toys, Dad and I drove and Mom entertained all the rest of us. I had borrowed a GPS device from Mollie so we enjoyed hearing "Gladys" as Dad named her give us directions and "Calculating Route" every time we didn't follow her directions (we obviously knew the way but would need it later in the week).

Grandma and Grandpa have a wonderful backyard which was put to good use when we got there by two cooped up little ones. We ate a wonderful, home-cooked meal and got settled in bed around 9:00pm. Braewyn cried a little now and then as she always does the first night sleeping somewhere new and Philip and I shared a full bed meaning I got kicked off and on all night. It made for a long night, but I kept telling myself, "Tomorrow night, I'll be at Disney World!!" (Those pictures will be coming tomorrow... Lord-willing!)

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