Thursday, September 04, 2008

Braewyn's Doctor Visits

Last week was hard on Braewyn as it came time for her 15-month check-up and shots! I take my kids to the city Health Department because the shots are free there (our insurance only covers so many shots per year) and plus they usually avoid shots at the pediatrician's office so they're not afraid of their main doctor. That said, last Monday morning, Philip, Braewyn and I headed to the Health Dept. at 9:30am. After waiting for an hour and trying to keep my two from getting too rowdy with the other waiting kids, we finally entered the "shot room". Philip was trying to help Braewyn feel brave, but poor little girl didn't know what was coming. She had to receive 5 SHOTS and unlike her pediatrician's office where two nurses will give two shots at a time to make it faster, Braewyn had 5 shots in a row (two in one leg, one in the other and one in each arm!). Yes, she cried LOUDLY while receiving the shots, but settled down while I carried her out down the hall. Philip was clearly glad he didn't receive any, but I scared him a little when I said, "You know, when your birthday comes around it will be your turn for shots." He decided he didn't want his birthday to come.

Surprisingly, Braewyn didn't run a fever Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. On Friday, she woke up feeling grumpy and a little warm. Her normal 15-month check-up was at 8:20am on Friday morning. I didn't think to check her temperature but I thought she was just upset to be at the doctor that early and she is a tad bit on the fussy side when ANYONE touches her when she's not in the mood.

By that afternoon, she had a 102.6 fever. I gave her some Tylenol and headed out to the football tailgate party thinking we'd probably just stay long enough to eat. Matthew and Philip stayed for the game and I stopped by my parents' house as they live just down the road. While there, I noticed Braewyn grab her diaper and begin crying. I went to her and felt that her diaper was warm (recently used!). I had seen her grab her diaper a few times the day before and now I was wondering if she might have a bladder infection (crying after urinating and fever?). My mom suggested I might call the hospital nurse line and I was referred to visit an evening pediatric clinic. Braewyn and I headed out for it at 8:55pm! What a fun Friday evening.

The clinic staff and doctor were all so nice and welcoming. I described the situation and the nurse said Braewyn would have to be cathaterized to determine for sure if she had a bladder infection. I was not scared about that, but knew Braewyn would not be happy and she clearly told everyone in ear's distance how she felt. She actually flooded the table and I had to change her outfit. The doctor told me from first examination of her urine it looked fine, but they would culture it overnight.

Poor thing didn't need to go through that last visit at all as Saturday I noticed a tiny cut in her diaper area which obviously would sting if urine passed over it. I've been neglectful to cut her fingernails regularly and she regularly grabs herself while I'm changing her diapers. She must have scratched herself and therefore the crying while peepeeing!

Her fever gradually faded throughout Saturday and good thing too as we had planned a surprise birhtday party for Matthew's mom and his brother, sister-in-law and nieces were coming to stay for the weekend.

All that being said, I've discovered a new, very simple way to bring a smile back to my little sugar muffin's face: black, patent-leather shoes! Thank you so much, Lindsay and Cheryl, for this pair of shoes. They are almost 2 sizes too big, but SHE LOVES THEM!!!

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