Friday, March 09, 2007

New Thing... Friday Feast!

My friend Melanie began posting the Friday Feast on her blog several weeks ago. I thought it was cute so here goes! It's a website ( which asks five questions every Friday. An easy way to let people in on the "real" you.
Today is Feast #134.

What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?
Between 10:30 and 11:30pm. I probably should go to bed a little earlier but it works great for me as Philip is in bed around 8:30pm and then Matthew and I have time for ourselves.

When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?
Right now I'm probably receiving more (asking friends for help on raising toddlers, everyone telling me to take it easy these last two months of pregnancy, and reading a book on strengthening your marriage, His Needs, Her Needs: Building An Affair-Proof Marriage by Willard F. Harley, Jr.)

Describe a memorable meal you've had.
Last April, Matthew and I attended a marriage conference at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC for our anniversary. We ate dinner at the Blue Ridge Room. Our table overlooked the Smoky Mountains and the dinner was wonderful. It was a FANCY buffet (no buffet line but individual silver serving dishes over warmers) like nothing I had ever seen in person! The food was endless but it came at quite a high price: $40 a person!

Main Course:
Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
Blink by Ted Dekker. It was about a girl who escaped from Saudi Arabia due to the cruelty to women that occurs there. I'm assuming it is somewhat accurate and made me so appreciative and grateful to be an American.

Dessert :
What is your favorite type of fruit juice?
Pineapple even though it made me sick the first few months of my pregnancy with Philip. I wasn't so bright and thought I could drink it first thing in the morning!

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