Thursday, January 01, 2009

Another Video

This video almost brought me to tears. Brittany, one of the teenagers at church, mentioned to me that there was a video for the song "Everything" by Lifehouse on YouTube that was actually a youth skit about all the things that try to tear teenagers down. I've just watched it and it breaks my heart. Matthew and I have been teaching youth Sunday School for 8 years. Teenagers are dear to my heart because the world they live in today is so much more blatantly trying to drag Christians down, really anyone who doesn't want to get caught up in the drinking, drugs and sex. I shudder thinking about what they face everyday not to mention trying to keep my mind from thinking about Philip and Braewyn being in that atmosphere one day. I pray to the Lord almost daily for guidance in raising them and that they might each accept Christ as his/her own Savior so they would seek His guidance for themselves.

That being said, even if you don't come into contact with teenagers regularly this video can make you think about your own life too. What is Satan using to draw you away from God? Is God even a part of your life?


Katie Turner said...

Wow -- what a powerful video. It brought tears to my eyes: both tears of hurt as I watched the girl get beat up by the world and make bad choices and then tears of joy and unbelievable awe as I watched God take over and defend and shield her from the beatings of this world when she turned to HIm and could take no more. What an amazing God we serve and what an eye opener to the perils our youth face daily.
Again - thank you for sharing.


Casey Wallace said...

Yes, powerful video. Thanks for sharing it. Makes me scared also, now as a parent.

AK watched it with me and said, "Mommy, what are they doing?" And before I could answer, she said. "Look they're dancing!" That's when tears came to my eyes... witnessing her 2-year-old innocence. And knowing how much society will strip that away as she gets older.