Thursday, January 15, 2009

Philip and Braewyn

January has already contained lots to post about. The kids have been enjoying their Christmas presents including comfy new pillow and blanket sets from my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Greg.

Philip had his first basketball game last Saturday morning and he participated very well for being still so new to the sport. The Upward Basketball league is a great way to introduce kids to a sport because it's not so competitive. The 4-6 year olds don't even have scores kept during the game. Also it's cool the way they teach them "man-on-man defense" by using matching wristbands. Philip was to "guard" Kendall, a little girl he knows from Sunday School. The only problem was that her dad is her coach and at this age the coaches are on the court leading the kids around in plays. Kendall followed her dad around and Philip had to follow Kendall around. She had the ball one time and Philip tried to get it but backed down. Later he told me he didn't like playing with her because he didn't want to take the ball away from his friend. He got a yellow star for good sportsmanship!!

(Thank you so much, Jessie, for taking these great pics during the game. I videotaped every moment Philip was on the court as the first time "basketball mom" that I am. I'll try to get a few minutes of that posted soon.)

I've also begun using a great book called "Before Five in A Row" to guide us through some preschool like activities in preparation for homeschooling Philip next year with a real K-4 curriculum. I find one of the listed books and read it to the kids. Then we do all sorts of fun activities explained in the book which ties other learning opportunities to the storyline of the book. Our first book was "Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?" Such a cute book. Our activities included matching outfits for a Jesse Bear I made from cardstock and material (very fun but long on the preparation end, however I look forward to pulling it out again with Braewyn next year too!) and sorting colored pieces into groups. This week we're reading "Blueberries for Sal". To let the kids "pick blueberries" as the little girl in the book does, I poured dry kidney beans over the livingroom rug. They had fun hearing the beans "kuplink" into their pails.

Finally, Braewyn took Walmart photos off our to-do list yesterday after she tripped right in front of Philip's bed and sailed nose first into the metal bedrail. I was scared she had broken her little nose as it turned blue and was swollen. Today there is no swelling but a nasty rubbed spot. It doesn't help that she has a fierce runny nose which of course she doesn't want me to wipe. I very carefully dab.

Girlfriends stick by you even when your nose is scraped up!

And to not leave you with that awful image of Braewyn in your head, check out these curls!

Matthew is naturally curly and I have some body to my hair. We'll see if Braewyn will want to use gel to keep them bouncy when she gets older.

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