Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Colonoscopy on Tuesday

I had a colonoscopy six years ago due to some bleeding which turned out to be due to lifting some heavy boxes. Since then Mom was diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer which means I have family history of that disease. Mom's surgeon recommended that my brother Mike and I have colonoscopies at age 40 instead of the standard age 50. It is recommended to begin checking 10 years prior to when your family member was diagnosed (Mom was 50). That would mean a span of 13 years from my first check until the next. As a worrier and hypochondriac, I wasn't comfortable with that. Also just the fact of having two children and the changes those events brought to my body, the colonoscopy will settle my fears over random aches and pains I experience.

With that said, I ask for your prayers for me to have peace leading up to the procedure on Tuesday morning, precision of my doctor in using the scope, and for God to take away my cough which I've had for about two weeks. My crazy mind wonders what can go wrong if I cough while sedated with a scope up my insides! I pray to report back with a great report.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

I'll be thinking about you!