Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Did We Miss the Window of Opportunity?

Braewyn was showing a lot of interest in potty-training back in March. We had a little potty set up in their bathroom and she would often run back there and come announce to the family of her accomplishment! Very exciting. Well, I didn't pursue it but just let it be up to her as I was hoping to be moving in the next 6-8 weeks and thought she might relapse anyway. That phase passed and now she is more than content to stay in a dirty diaper until we notice. Occasionally if she wakes from her nap and I see that her diaper is dry, I'll say excitedly, "Let's go peepee on the potty." She'll pull down her pants and then take her diaper off. I give her a little help getting up on the potty (the plastic seat is clipped onto our actual toilet these days) and making sure she is sitting back far enough. Then come the expected words from my sweet, independent, 2-year-old child.

"Out, please. Privacy!" (sounds like "pwivacy" when she says it)

Oh my goodness! How do you potty train someone who "needs" privacy? I have worked with her on this however because it started with just "Out, Mommy!" and a hand pointing toward the door. I told her we weren't going to have that but I would step into the hallway if she were nice about it. And here we are.

Some kids train by 2 years old, some by 3. Braewyn is only just over 2, 27 months actually. We'll see where we stand in another month or two and try again.

1 comment:

Casey Wallace said...

Good luck with the potty training. Abby Kate took a few months, but she never needed the privacy. She is the other extreme, where we are made to come "admire" her accomplishment. :)