Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Big Announcement...

It's now official so I can post it here... our house is under contract to be sold. Praise Jesus! Matthew and I met with Rappy today at noon to sign the contract which had already been signed by our soon-to-be buyer. If all goes well, we will close on September 28. At the moment, I feel homeless. We've signed away our house and do not have another yet. Not to worry because Rappy said with our credit level and amount we're putting down on the new house, once we find that said new house the transaction should be completed in 2-3 weeks. That brings us to the exciting part... house hunting. We're looking at one tomorrow at lunch and four on Thursday evening. We have 5 or 6 others that we'll get to next week. How fun!! It's one thing to see the photos on the internet, but entirely different to walk through them and actually see the place for yourself. I CANNOT WAIT.

The path so far has been amazing and I know God will make His plan just as clear when we come to picking a house. I have to give Him all of the credit as I was just not a tidy homemaker before getting our house ready to sell (you remember the photos, right?). Thankfully, He placed in my life my mom who is great at organizing and could really have her own design show on HGTV. Thanks Mom for getting the ball rolling with helping me stash a bunch of stuff that we didn't need sitting around. Next God brought our realtor Rappy who is a wealth of knowledge on selling homes and from whom I developed "The Rappy List" (all items are complete and then some!). Both with Mom's and Rappy's help, the sale of my house was completely still in God's hands and providence. I praise Him for seeing fit to bring us a buyer. His time is perfect!! Why did I ever doubt? Moving at the end of September means I can continue to prepare for our school year over the next two weeks, potty train Braewyn next week (I know she's ready if I would just focus some energy on it; i.e. twice yesterday when I changed her diaper, she asked if she could wear panties!! Let me know what you think. Is is dumb to train her if we're moving in a month?), and get three weeks of school behind us so that we're in a good routine. Yes, we will have to pack all our belongings in the mean time, but there's not that much here due to the overly crowded storage unit (at least that's what I'm telling myself!).

I'm sure the next six weeks will be stressful, but a little added adrenaline is good for the system now and then. I'll keep you posted.


Whitlocks said...

How exciting! God is good. Can't wait to hear that you have found your next house.

*Jess* said...

I'm so excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

I am so very glad to read this! You are right, God's timing is perfect. So happy for you, Kim!

Lori said...

Glad it's under contract. I know it seemed like forever to you, but it was actually pretty fast! (especially for these days).

Happy house hunting!

Brooke said...

yeah! congrats! now you'll have time to post that book review! hah!!!
See you tonight ... oh, Matthew was behind me today on the way to work, so it was me waving at him! Have a great day!

Melanie said...

Congratulations!! I know you guys are excited!