Friday, October 21, 2005

Changes in Mom's treatment

Philip beside the fountain at the Gibbs Cancer Center

Mom has been doing ok with her treatments. She has such a positive atttitude while at the hospital and has made friends with all the nurses there. However, her body had a bad reaction to the radiation. Her small intestines have been affected causing diarrhea for 6 days. The doctor tried on medicine, but then decided on Wednesday that she needed a break from the radiation. Her treatments on yesterday and today were cancelled. This means she has radiation each day for the next two weeks, chemo and radiation the third week, and then two additional radiation treatments the following week. However, the end is still in sight! Please pray Mom will rest this weekend and feel stronger on Monday to begin treatments again. She is now eating the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast! Yum! But not really when that's all she can eat all day! At least she is not having any pains like last week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the updates. We continually lift your mom, dad, and all of you to the Lord. Please tell Patty that we don't call so as not to disturb, but ya'll are in our thoughts constantly.

Love, The Waldrep's