Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Philip's Stats

On Monday, Philip had his 9-month check-up. Overall, his pediatrician says he is a very healthy boy. The only negative thing is he is underweight. He only weighs 16 lbs. according to their scale which I was assured is completely accurate. This means he is in the 10th percentile for weight (90% of babies his age are bigger than him). He's also 10th for height, but 80th for head circumference. He's got lots of brains!! His ped. said this is normal for breastfed babies as you don't actually see how much they are eating. I feel like I may have been short-changing him recently as I was preparing bottles to leave with Matthew as I attend a Women of Faith Conference this weekend. Needless to say, he'll be well fed this weekend and should be ok from now on as we won't be apart for any extended amount of time in the next few months. Matthew and I joke that I'm cutting him off come January (it's the truth, but just a funny way to say it)!! Other nursing mom friends who have recently weaned their babies say it's such a sad time as you realize your little baby is actually not one any more. I know it will be sad for me too, but it will sure make it a lot easier to leave him for a weekend. Anyhow, I think my little man is getting so big (no matter what the charts say).

Matthew with one-week-old Philip

Matthew with 9-month-old Philip

Here are some of his latest accomplishments:
*Says "Dada" (I look him square in the face and say "Say Mama"; he looks back at me so excitedly and says proudly "Dada!")
*Cruises along the edge of the couch or coffee table
*Loves Gerber fruit puffs and biter biscuits (inspired by Cousin Hannah)

*Has developed quite a temper (stiffens into a sharp backbend when being put in his carseat or umbrella stroller when tired)
*Sleeps on tummy at night (we put him down on his back, but we find him on his tummy in the morning)

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