Saturday, October 29, 2005

Minister of Happiness

I may have mentioned in a previous post that Philip has assumed a new role entitled by my mom and I as "Minister of Happiness". He just makes everyone smile from us ourselves to strangers we pass in the store. Now that Mom is having treatments each day, Philip is doing an especially good job in ministering to the other patients and nurses at radiation. Mom says Michael and Kara actually pout if they don't see their favorite "little man" each day. Michael and Kara (and several others) are so caring to Mom and are giving her the best care they can. I definitely don't mind sharing Philip with them a little each day especially if he brings a little happiness to them.

Philip's other weekly ministry is visiting Mrs. Cordie, a 91-year-old shut-in from our church and my dear friend. I began visiting her once a week to deliver a CD of our Sunday worship service over 2 years ago. We got to know each other and she has always been such a calming comfort in the midst of this rush, rush, rush world. She lives with her grown son, but has 2 other sons and 3 daughters nearby. She already has 3 sons in heaven along with her husband. She is such a godly woman, full of knowlegde and still smart as a tack. She listened as I shared with her during 2003 how Matthew and I were trying to have a baby. She was excited for me when I found out I was pregnant. We discussed our aches and pains as I was getting more and more pregnant and she was feeling the effects of aging. She has a hard time seeing, hearing and walking, but her spirit is STRONG! Being 90 at the time, I prayed she would "hang around" to meet Philip. God has kept her strong and these days she so enjoys seeing how much he's grown from week to week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patty, you look beautiful! How can you be going through this and look so good? I certainly understand why you call Philip your Minister of Happiness. That's cute and so is he. Grandchildren have a way of bringing more joy than ever imagined. Have a blessed day my friend. Thinking of you, as always, Valerie