Friday, October 14, 2005

Mom's Surgery

Mom and Dad met with Mom's surgeon, Dr. Dunn (a godly Christian man!) yesterday. He told them that after Mom's next three weeks of treatment, he wants her to wait six weeks until having surgery to allow the swelling inside her body to go down. The swelling is caused by the radiation as it irritates the tissues in her lower abdomen. The surgery will go much smoother without swollen tissues. Saying all this, Dr. Dunn gave Mom some possible dates in December and she and Dad decided on December 20 as her surgery date. God has been in every detail of Mom's situation and again He worked another blessing into it for all of us. My mom's parents, my grandparents in Albany, GA, told her they would be coming up a day or two before her surgery and staying 1-2 weeks. With her surgery scheduled for Dec. 20, it means they'll be here for Christmas! What a blessing. Mom has been told if everything goes well she'll be in the hospital for 5 days after surgery. This means she'll come home on Christmas or the day after. What a wonderful Christmas present to know (hopefully) the worst is behind. Plus, it will be so special for my grandparents to celebrate our little Philip's first Christmas, their one-and-only great-grandchild!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

This is from Valerie Jameson in Orlando, FL. I met mom years ago when we lived in Sandown and Michael played with my son Shaun, and mom helped me with my newborn twin sons. It wasn't long after they were born that I had to part with my dear new friend, Patty, I had only just found, due to a move. Luckily, have kept in touch throughout the years. My heart is saddened by this news and I have reached out to all those across the country, so there is a prayer chain from FL, to Maine, to Washington, St. and down to Texas. She is being held up in prayer in homes and churches and we all pray that God will guide her through this journey with his loving arms. I wish I were closer to help in some way. Please let me know what I can do or send that could possibly make her day a little better, a bit brighter. I just received an adorable photo of her and Philip. I know that seeing his face will make her smile and give her the inner strength to keep going forward. She is blessed with many wonderful friends and family members and I know if love alone could heal her, she would have this beaten already. How wonderful that your grandparents will be there during the holidays and when mom needs help with recovery. That certainly is a blessing! My thoughts, prayers and love are sent to her and your family during this difficult time. Thank you so much for this site so we can keep in touch and know what might be needed. I appreciate it so much. Please give mom a hug from me. Sincerely, Valerie Jameson, Orlando,FL