Saturday, October 29, 2005

Women of Faith conference ~ WOW!!

Jam-packed arena full of Christian women!

Women of Faith speakers on stage

Tonight I got home from attending the Women of Faith conference in Charlotte, NC with about 45 women from my church. This is such an amazing ministry! It was held at the Charlotte Coliseum and over 23,000 women were there worshiping Jesus together! It is a little bit of heaven on earth. The program consisted of 6 main speakers (Patsy Clairmont, Sheila Walsh, Thelma Wells, Nicole Johnson, Luci Swindoll, and Marilyn Meberg), guest speaker Beth Moore, and guest artist Sandi Patty. Each has been blessed with such awesome gifts, but I was a little partial to hearing Beth Moore in person. Through her Bible study "Believing God", I learned something very important about God which I believe is the reason Philip is here today. We need to come to that point in which we believe wholeheartedly that NOTHING is too big for God. Whether He does it or not is another issue. I started that study after Matthew and I had prayed for a baby for a year and three months. That truth made clear in my mind was that God was more than able to give us a child if He so chose. I gave the whole thing to Him and low and behold, I was pregnant two months later. Beth is the most godly woman I know of, and to hear her say today how insecure and fearful a person she is, gives me such wonder at what God can do with me if He has gifted her as He has. The key difference between her and me is that Beth said yes to God even when she was scared. We hold ourselves back from a multitude of blessings because we don't think we can do what He has in mind for us to do. She said something that really struck me: the calling God has for us will be beyond us. If we're going along in our Christian walks, working for God and not really seeing any need for supernatural help, we're not doing all God's called us to do. If you are reading this and ever have a chance to see Beth in person or to just attend one of her studies (usually on video), don't miss out!! Well, I didn't get to meet her as I had hoped (you can wait in line at the speaker's book tables for autographs) because she had to fly out immediately after speaking, but I did give a photo of Philip to one of the ladies working at her booth. Maybe the photo will make it back to Beth so she can see the miracle I received from believing God! I'm already looking forward to next year's WOF conference, but will be glad that my breastpump won't be tagging along. Who knows, maybe by next October Baby Brooks 2 will be along for the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

How are you doing? Sorry to hear about your mom, we are all praying for her.

I saw on your web page that you were at Women of Faith I was too! it was a great conference. here is my cell number 864 616 5879. I don't have email right now. I am at my mom and dad's so i am writing you on their computer. we should get together some time. give me a call some time.