Monday, March 13, 2006

First Haircut!!

Last week in Bible Study, we studied about Isaac giving his blessing to Esau, but it is in fact Jacob in disguise (read Genesis 27 for the full story). Upon returning home from Gatlinburg, I was expecting to see my "Jacob" and instead found "Esau". Philip's hair was longer and crazier than I remembered it and he smelled differently (a heavily-perfumed woman had held him in the church nursery). He just didn't seem like my baby. This made my decision easy: it was finally time to cut his hair. Matthew and I had to do it together; he kept Philip's attention and I snipped the back locks off. He is still just as cute but now much more refined looking. Funny to say a one-year-old can be refined, but the photos say it all.

Here are the crazy locks. I loved his beautiful blonde curls but this is just out of control!

Here's the new and improved Philip!

And here's what Philip thought about getting his hair cut. Thankfully we won't have to do it again for a while.


Lori said...

Congratulations on your first haircut big boy Philip!

Len and Carrie said...

What a cutie!!

I haven't been brave enoigh to cut the girls hair yet!! You did a good job Mommy!!