Friday, March 03, 2006

Philip's Busy Life

The life of this 13-month-old little guy is pretty good. I don't feel bad at all knowing Matthew and I are trying to let him get the most enjoyment out of life (within reason) now as soon enough he will be introduced to the real world of school, work, etc. Too bad he won't remember these carefree days!!

Playing with our pots is one of his favorite pasttimes. We installed cabinet latchs on all the doors except the pot cabinet. I had always been told that babies love the pots and pans. It's especially sweet when it's finally your baby.

Philip is a great eater. Here he is after finishing some enchilada casserole. He then proceeded to lick the plate!

One of Philip's favorite things is looking outside. Here he is one morning, still in his "big boy" pajamas watching squirrels run around in the woods behind our house. He's so inquisitive. I love to watch him soaking in this world around him. I want him to grow up thankful to God for His wonderful creation and not take it for granted.

Here he is in his "big boy" birthday clothes from Grandma. It was actually bedtime (hence the bottle) and he had just finished eating a chocolate chip cookie (hence the mess). Since I nursed him for the first year and didn't get to watch him drink from a bottle much at all, I don't mind letting him enjoy his before-bed milk from one. It will end in the next few months when we'll switch to sippy cups like he gets now throughout the rest of the day. Bottles equal babies and I suppose I'm trying to keep him little.

My sister-in-law Lori wrote a fantastic post about the blessing of sleep. I knew Philip was ready for his afternoon nap today, but he just wouldn't settle down when I put him in his crib. Then I remembered what was wrong. Lamby was missing! I retrieved his special buddy from the livingroom, handed it to Philip, and he promptly sat down in his crib and then rolled over with Lamby! So sweet.


Lori said...

I can't get over how very much Philip has changed since we were there over Christmas!!! Thank you for a glimpse into his daily life. Hannah has just started wanting a "lovey" to sleep. She has chosen a blankie and a worn out stuffed lion my dear friend Jessica (you know her) gave her. Anyway, I think that picture of Philip cuddling his lamby is precious!!!

Melanie said...

That is too sweet! Ben is SEVEN and he still can't go to sleep unless "Cookie" (a stuffed lion -- of course!--he got from Santa one of his first Christmases!) is right beside him.

Trust me, when he goes off to college, Cookie will be beside ME!