Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mom's Journey

Mom is doing somewhat better these days. Her bladder seems to be getting better. She only catheterizes herself once or twice a day now. She is doing great taking care of her ileostomy bag although it's not the most pleasant thing to have attached to the side of your abdomen. The biggest challenge these days is deciding if she wants to take chemo treatments or not. A few posts back I laid out the percentages involved with taking or not taking it. By not taking chemo, she would have a 69% chance that the cancer would not come back (Lord-willing it is not in any lymph nodes) and she could have her second surgery to reverse her ostomy bag in April. By taking chemo, her chance for non-reoccurance would increase to 82%, but her second surgery would not be until after the four months of chemo. Every Monday, she would go to the cancer center. She would have a chemo pump via IV inserted in her arm (?) and come home. The pump would run for 24 hours before she went back on Tuesday to have it removed. This would be every week for four months. We're not sure how her body will react as last time she had chemo, she was receiving radiation at the same time. It's just scary that she is not even back to complete strength now and to introduce toxins which produce sickness might make her even weaker.

Please be in pray for my Mom and Dad during this time of decision. We pray that the Lord would give her a peace so she will know what would be best. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, Thanks again for the update on mom. I'm anxiously awaiting to see what her next step will be and I'm praying for her wisdom to make the choice that will be right for all involved. I'm sure she's about to say, " Enough already!" Philip's haircut was priceless! Too cute. It really came out looking great. I remember doing that for the twins. What a hoot and process all at the same time. He is one adorable little guy. Cherish that beautiful face,those round cheeks and radiant eyes. They grow so fast. With Love, Valerie Jameson