Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Flybaby... again!

Three years ago, my neighbor Tracy and I were talking about how we each disliked cleaning our houses. She mentioned a website that was set up to help in managing all the housework, www.flylady.net. I signed up and was excited that finally my house might look neat for a change. Well, I was working in Greenville at that time and not home during the day. The way Flylady works is that you sign up and receive emails all throughout the day which are supposed to keep you on track. For example, 7:30am "Get dressed to the shoes", 10:00am "What's for dinner?", 11:30am "Where is your laundry?", etc. Well, I'd come home from work and find 26 emails in my inbox! Not very motivating, very overwhelming. After a few weeks of mass deletions, I unsubscribed from Flylady.

Well, several months ago, I resubscribed and am now a struggling-to-succeed Flybaby (one of many catchy terms on the website; this one designates a new member of the Flylady system). I write this post for accountability purposes. Now I know that all of you (whoever "you" is) know I am trying to keep up my house, I will feel more compelled to complete each day's zone mission, the weekly "bless your home" hour, and go to bed each night with my sink shining, aka an empty kitchen sink at the end of each day (the first step in becoming a Flylady!). There are still 25-30 emails from Flylady each day but I delete as they come in (about half are just testimonials (letters of encouragement about how the system is helping others)). If you feel like you don't know where to start, I'd recommend you check out the website. Don't feel overwhelmed (which it can easily become), but just look for the zone missions which target a different room each week. Better go do today's mission before Matthew gets home!!

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