Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Reality (TV) meets Reality (Life)

The other night I woke up around 2:00am and couldn't sleep. All the details of my upcoming Gatlinburg trip were swirling in my head along with visions of lots and lots of crackers (what's that mean?). Anyway, when I'm fighting getting back to sleep I usually try to pray. The faces of the other patients from the cancer center came to my mind. I suddenly really wanted to know how they were doing. These were people I spoke to for about 10-15 minutes a day for 10-15 days. They were waiting in the radiation waiting room with me while I was waiting for Mom while she received her treatments. We made small talk and they "babytalked" to Philip as he cruised around the chairs. I do pray Peggy, Doug, Cecil, Sam, and Carolyn are all doing well and their battles against cancer will soon be behind them.

My middle-of-the-night mind then randomly transitioned to Survivor. Those people didn't know each other from Adam one day and then two weeks later they are best friends. It seems odd to me until I remember Peggy, Doug, Cecil, Sam, and Carolyn. Sort of the same thing. We were all thrown into a world we were unfamiliar with and didn't know what was coming from one day to the next. I know they comforted me with the strength they exuded and I think Philip encouraged them with his cute, silly baby ways. I'm not sure if I will ever see them again, but maybe. There are cancer survivors' events held by the hospital. While watching the Survivor finale show, those people always say they hope to keep in touch too.

I think these reality shows are such a hit because people want to be a part of a group that cares about each other (as shallow as it might be). Yes, often they want to see who backstabs who just as much. Anyhow, God created us to love and be loved. Just like my 9th grade girls who desperately want to be liked (and the drama that ensues there!!), we all want to be included.

On a good day (especially after a crisis), Americans do a pretty good job of keeping the second greatest commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). How sad is it that we are oh so far from keeping the first and greatest commandment, "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37).

If this post didn't make much sense, try setting your clock to 2:00am. Come back and read it again then.

1 comment:

Casey Wallace said...

Made perfect sense to me at 3 p.m.! Hope you all have fun on your trip to TN.