Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Prayers for My Grandma

Today in Gainesville, FL, my Grandma Allen is having heart-valve replacement surgery. Like my mom's colo-rectal surgery, I am amazed and squeamish at the same time thinking about the abilities doctors today have. This is my dad's father's wife. My Grandpa Allen passed away in December as you may remember reading about on my blog. I pray Grandma's surgery is completely successful and without complications. Please also pray for my Aunt Maureen (Dad's half-sister). She lives just around the corner from Grandma in Florida, and the two pretty much take care of each other since Grandpa died. Maureen has severe lupus but manages ok. The rest of their family is in New York state.

Like I mentioned about my Grandpa, I don't know for certain that my Grandma knows the Lord Jesus as her Savior. I'm sure this surgery is pretty routine for those involved, but it's still scary knowing exactly what is at stake.

Thank you for your prayers and I will post an update when I hear something.

This is my Grandpa and Grandma Allen with Philip. He was about 6 months old when they came to visit. It was the last time I saw them, but would love to be able to visit my Grandma again one day and let her meet our new baby too.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Kim, Thank you for the sweet comments you left about Drew and Mikayla. We are so glad that her surgery is behind us, and so far she is recovering well! Watching someone you love go through surgery is a stressful time, but we know God is in complete control! I hope that everything went well with your Grandma's surgery today! Your Grandma and your whole family will be in our prayers!