Saturday, January 14, 2006

Better Every Day

Mom had another good day yesterday. The nurse took out her epidural catheter allowing her to move around in the bed a little easier. She is not moving comfortably by any means as her stomach is still incredibly tender with the ileostomy bag on one side, the incision in the middle and a bag to drain excess fluids on the other side. She misses hugging Philip, but I always bring his close so she can kiss the top of his head when we visit. Today the nurse removed the catheter to her bladder because feeling is returning to her body so she can go to the bathroom on her own now. As her body would still be in much pain, she is taking Percocet and Tylox on a rotating basis (both are forms of oxycodone - highly addictive), but I think I've heard that your body heals faster when it is free from pain. However they make her very groggy since she is not eating that much now. Her menu has been increased from juices to now include jello, pudding, broth and grits. Slowly but surely everything will get back to normal. Keep praying as she will likely be released tomorrow. That will be a whole new ballgame as we will become her team of nurses.

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