Saturday, January 28, 2006

Mom's Week at Home

Today marks one week at home for Mom. She was thrilled to be coming home from the hospital, but as the week went on, her spirits rollercoastered up and down. It's hard for her to be at home but to feel trapped in her still very weak and healing body. My grandparents decided to stay through Wednesday morning. It was really good for Mom to have them here as she's been through so much in the last four months. Since Dad has been back to work this week, I became Mom's in-home nurse when her parents left town. Philip and I spent all Wednesday, Thursday afternoon, Friday morning and this morning at Mom's. God is working to shape my heart into more of a servant's heart than it has been. I have always thought that one of my spiritual gifts was that of service, but I am beginning to see that it had strings attached -- service when it's convenient for me. I came over Wednesday with books to read, movies to watch and this whole agenda for our "fun day together". Well, between taking care of Philip and Mom, I didn't have a free moment. Mom doesn't need a buddy right now, but someone to lovingly walk beside her through this extremely rough time in her life. God is helping me to become more compassionate when I would rather bark orders and take things as they come instead of getting upset when my plans don't come to fruition.

Please continue to keep Mom in your prayers. She is adjusting well to caring for her ilestomy bag which is functioning well. The hardest part is replacing the bag every five days as her skin is SO sensitive where the bag sticks to her stomach. She is also nervously awaiting her urologist appointment on Thursday. The doctor will remove the catheter and we pray her bladder will be back in normal working condition. She is on two medications to strengthen her bladder muscles this week. They must be taken at certain times of the day and certain hours before/after meals. We talked today that to get her fed and rested, we need to just set up a schedule as I did for Philip when he was first born. If all is well with her bladder, after Thursday she will only be taking pain medication as needed. She is trying to walk throughout the house to build up her strength. She just feels like life as she knew it will never return. Mom needs all your encouragement and reminders that "this too shall pass."
Thanks for the prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Patti,

Wow.. What a journey this has been. The good part is that you have an army of friends and family cheering you on to better days ahead. You also have God's army of angels watching over you. Don't be discouraged, he is with you. Remember to take it "one day at a time" and not try to gain all your strength in one day. You're healing and healing takes time and time takes patience. I'm thinking, praying and rooting for you my dear friend. Keep up the faith and good work. With Love, Valerie
PS.. What a handsome grandson you have Gramma Patty! He is a doll.