Monday, January 02, 2006

More of our week...

Wednesday, we ate lunch at a local Mexican restaurant called Nacho's. Lori and Jonathan always like to hit one Mexican place while here because they say the Mexican food down in Clewiston is just NOT the same!

As we are still feeding Philip baby food, it has been fun watching Hannah eat real food. She enjoyed a cheese quesadilla at Nacho's.

Philip ate the food which we brought for him, but then also enjoyed the lemon from his daddy's tea.

Thursday, we headed out to the mall here in Spartanburg. For being on the go so much, Hannah and Philip had a great day. They were rewarded by going on the mall rides. This plane was built for one, but Philip didn't mind sitting on the floor. He was actually the one to grab the controls and make the plane go up in the air.

Here's Philip at the controls again. After being on the floor of the plane, guess he wasn't in the mood to sit down anymore. Thursday night, Jonathan, Lori, Matthew and I went on a double date. Ruth Ann kept Hannah and my parents kept Philip. We ate a great meal at Chandi's Bistro and saw "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe". GREAT MOVIE!! It was a lot of fun just chatting about things other than our kids. Too bad we can't do that more often.

Friday afternoon, they all came over to our house to watch the Carolina game as Ruth Ann doesn't have cable. It was fun although the Gamecocks lost. We had dinner, put the babies to bed, and played Phase 10 Dice. Great evening together as Jonathan would begin his long haul back to Florida the next morning.


Casey Wallace said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas with the little ones! Thanks for sharing your holiday highlights with us. :) Much love to you all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
This is Miss Chris from your very far back past. Love your blog and I think Philip is as adorable as any baby could possibly be. Too bad you're not enjoying him:) I have been praying for your mom and especially so tonight and tomorrow. I'm hoping to see an update on the surgery tomorrow. Thanks so much. (I remember a specialist coming to kindergarten to evaluate the children and when she finished with you, she said, "Now there's a quality child." I agreed then and I can see it still holds true.)