Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Praise God for a wonderful surgery!

Mom's surgery went very well according to her doctor. We all arrived at the hospital at 8:00am. I brought Philip up to see Mom as I thought it might brighten her day, but she was already in pretty good spirits and had a good night's rest. When I returned from taking Philip to a friend's house where he would stay for the day, my dad said he, my grandma and grandpa, and my three aunts walked along while Mom was rolled down to surgery around 10:30am. I got back around 11:00am and Dad had not heard anything yet. After we all had lunch, we were told that Mom's surgery hadn't actually started until 11:30am. At 1:30pm, we were told that things were going very well. A little after 3:00pm, the surgical nurse called to say the surgeon was closing Mom up. About 3:30pm, the surgeon came out to meet with all of us. He said the surgery was successful. He was able to remove the tumor and a section of her colon (large intestine). He then reattached the colon to her anus, taking out most of her rectum. This means she will just have to use the bathroom more often than the rest of us (something which she should be able to adjust to). He also made an opening for the ileostomy bag and took her appendix out as well. She's now in recovery and will be moved to a room soon. My brother Mike, his wife Andrea and I are going up to the hospital in just a few minutes to see Mom. Thank you so much for the prayers as Jesus answered them ALL in such amazing ways!!! Praise be to God.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Kim, I am so thankful for such good news about your mom's surgery. God is so good!! Am praying for a smooth recovery.
Please give her my love.

Anonymous said...

That's marvelous news and we all have much to be thankful to our heavenly father for. He is watching over his dear Patty and will continue to walk with her daily. Please give her a hug(easily)for me! With the love and support from her family and friends, she'll do just great. Remember to tell her, " Just One Day at a time". Thank you so much for the updates! With Love, Valerie Jameson, Orlando, FL

Anonymous said...

Kim, I have not had the privilege to meet you but I can tell you are your mother's daughter. I worked with your mom at Wal-Mart and she is now my little girl Matti's teacher at Upstate. We miss her! She is a dear lady and I had no doubt God was going to bring her through a successful surgery. I can't wait to hear that she is fully recovered and back with us. Tell her I said keep that positive attitude that she has every time I see her. We will continue to keep Patty and all of you in our prayers. Praise the Lord for his marvelous work!