Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Skipping back to the holidays...

To get the full story of our last week with Lori and Hannah, you can check Lori's blog in my links list. However, Matthew, Philip, Ruth Ann and I did get together with some of Matthew's family on New Year's Day. Each Christmas we have a mini-reunion at Matthew's Great Aunt Amy and Great Uncle Melvin's house. They live in the house Amy was born in meaning it is a fabulous old farmhouse out in the country surrounded by acres of land on which they have hundreds of head of cattle. I love going there because it's a glimpse back to when life was slower and more relaxing. I hope to take my mom there in a month or so.

Here's Philip with his Great Great Aunt Amy and Uncle Melvin.

Cousin Paul feeds Philip in his old-fashioned high chair: a chair and a belt.

Philip plays with cousins Marie and Tyler.

Grandma introduces Philip to farm living. Time to start working!

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