Friday, January 20, 2006

She's Getting Out!

Mom is finally being released from the hospital tomorrow. Thank the Lord! Today she added mashed potatoes and gravy to her menu. She's going to ask her doctor if she can eat ice cream and maybe a little cake tomorrow as we celebrate Philip's 1st birthday before my grandparents leave. I'm so glad she's coming home as I know she desperately needs a change of scenery. Please continue to pray harder than ever as now we will be farther from medical help so we don't need any more complications. Also, she will have the catheter for two more weeks. Her surgeon said that because her surgery was so low in her abdomen and so much of it was done behind her bladder itself, her bladder may need more time to recuperate. He obviously doesn't want it to overfill like it did last week. I assume she has a check-up in two weeks so that's why it is staying in so long. This means Mom won't be leaving the house, but she needs LOT of rest still anyway. Our next plan includes Dad getting back to work, and I go over to their house all week to be with Mom. I pray it will be a good mother/daughter bonding time plus it will give me a chance (maybe!) to catch up on my scrapbooking. However, let's not forget I have a one-year-old to watch over also. We'll see how it goes.
(P.S. It was great seeing all of you at ScanSource today! A little part of me wishes I was still there what with the excitement of the corporate world. However, the grass is always greener as they say and I wouldn't trade what I have for anything.)


Melanie said...

I'm glad things are looking up for your mom.

Good luck scrapbooking! That was my great plan for this on the Christmas album and its now Sat. at 11:40 and guess what I have done? Not one thing. Oh well, someday. Maybe we can go crop sometime in February and let Ron and Matthew watch the kids.

Anonymous said...

Kim, tell your Mom and Dad that they are in my daily prayers. Our Lord has walked each step of the way with them and will continue to hold them up and shoulder most of the burden. God bless you, too, sweetie, for keeping us informed. -- Karen Blackwell