Monday, January 23, 2006

Birthday Boy

Yesterday was Philip's first birthday. This year has flown by and he has changed in so many amazing ways. I often say he is my miracle. I believe every baby is a miracle, but Philip, in an extra special way, reminds me of God's presence in our lives. Here's the story.

Matthew and I married in April 2000. Around two years later, we started talking about starting a family. Finally in February 2003, I was brave enough to stop taking birth control pills. Friends told us we'd probably be announcing the good news by summer. Well, that was a VERY stressful year both personally and in my workplace. Need less to say, it was not the optimal conditions in which to get pregnant. My doctor prescribed some medicine which might help in getting pregnant, but I actually never took it. In April 2004, I began attending Bible study at my church entitled "Believing God" by Beth Moore. In the study she instructed us to read Romans chapter 4 twenty times throughout the study. That chapter is all about how Abraham was promised by God that he and his wife would have a son and they received him due to his strong faith. I just thought how ironic, I am wanting a child too. That Bible study increased my faith and I gave my desire over to God. I knew that if it be His will for Matthew and I to be parents, He could make it happen. Low and behold, I found out I was pregnant just two weeks later. The Lord still works miracles! Nine months later on January 22 at 2:45 pm, Matthew and I met our miracle in Philip. I love him more every day as I see him grow and change. It is almost too amazing that the Lord entrusted this little life to Matthew and I. Happy 1st Birthday, Philip! Mommy and Daddy love you.




Andrea said...

Your little boy is so cute! My little one is turning one next month and I agree with you, it has gone by so fast.

Lori said...

Happy birthday sweet Philip! I wish we could have clebrated with you. Aunt Lori, Uncle Jonathan, and Cousin Hannah wish you a happy birthday and pray for many blessings in your second year of life.

Len and Carrie said...

Happy Birthday Big Boy! Isn't amazing how times flies?! We are sending you many more blessings for the next upciming year!!

The Bowers

Casey Wallace said...

That's a wonderfully inspiring story, Kim. Happy birthday to Philip. Give him a kiss for us!

Andrea said...

Hi Kim!Our boys would have fun togther!I found your blog just by clicking next blog at the top of the page on my blog and it took me randomly right to yours.I thought that your son was so adorable and right near my sons age, so I thought I would say hi.It is nice to talk with other moms.